Monday, March 28, 2011

"If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" -Rupaul

Can I get an Amen?
Seriously, I know it can be hard sometimes, but you must love yourself.  One thing that really bothers me is when people alter themselves because they think society wants them to.  Now I am all for experimentation and changing your look, but only if its for your own reasons.  One of the societal pressures I encounter the most is a belief that natural texture is somehow a bad thing.  Especially when it comes to ethnic hair, some seem to think that if it isn't straight it isn't beautiful, and that is just not true!  I LOVE textured hair, I think it is gorgeous.  For those people who have never worn their hair natural I encourage you to try, I believe you can learn a lot about yourself and your perceptions of yourself. is a great site for advice on keeping your curls healthy and happy.
Please know that I am in no way putting down people who do things to change their hair texture.  I have colored my hair for coming up to half my life and I'll wear it straight on occasion.  But I do these things because I like to, because it's fun to change up your look and try new things.  Get your hair relaxed!  Or permed!  Or dyed! Or chop it all off!  Do whatever you want, because it's your body to play with.  But do it because you want to, not because you think someone else will like you better because of it.  And of course do it safely!  All chemical services should be done by a professional.  Also, treat yourself with care, this means using good quality products to keep your hair healthy and beautiful.
Most of all, just remember that you are beautiful no matter what.  So have fun, try something new, and love yourself for who you are.

Here's an example of trying something new.  Jasmine typically wears her beautiful hair natural, but for fun I blew it out and turned it into this gorgeous updo.

Celebrities change their hair constantly (and can afford to do so safely), here's a picture of Beyonce looking beautiful with her natural curl.

This is Sydney Tamiia Poitier, from the film Death Proof, this picture doesn't do her hair justice, it is soooo long and gorgeous!

This is my personal hair icon because her texture is very close to mine, Dana Fuchs a la Across the Universe.  I can't wait for my hair to be long again!

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